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Parenting Plans
Parenting Plans Create Healthy Routines, Which Create Healthy Relationships and Reduce Conflict
Parenting Plans
A Parenting Plan is a voluntary written agreement between parents that can be an important tool in a parent's toolkit.
A parenting plan is used to:
Make an agreement about children including:
Who can make decisions about the children's welfare and how decisions will be made.
Agree who the children will live with.
Agree who the children will spend time with including each parent and other people such as grandparents. This is often put in a schedule which the parents and children can follow.
Times when the children will communicate with a parent or another person such as grandparents.
Vary existing court orders about children without having to apply to a Court for changes (some exceptions may apply).
Are Parenting Plans Enforceable?
Prior to 2003, parenting plans could be registered with the Family Court and were enforceable. Parenting plans made after the Family Law Amendment Act 2003 was enacted, are no longer enforceable.
Parenting plans can be considered by a court and can be an important way to show how parents have approached parental responsibility and how they have acted in the best interests of the children.

With Parenting Plans and Consent Orders, Parents Remain in Control
There are different ways to agree on parenting arrangements without the need for court proceedings. You can choose a parenting plan or consent orders depending on which circumstance is right for you.